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TTG Event 黃炳義(General Manager)

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交通部觀光局邀請TTG Event 黃炳義(General Manager)帶領國外五家MICE有潛力的買主來臺,參加由交通部觀光局指導及台灣觀光協會主辦的「2016台北國際旅展」(Taipei International Travel Fair, Taipei ITF)及「交易洽談會」(Travel Mart) ,其中本會很高興能專訪談此次帶隊TTG 黃炳義總經理,請他分享他對台灣發展MICE的意見。


1. What do you see Taiwan as a MICE destination, what excite you most during your recent visit to Taiwan?

I note that Taiwan’s strong established industrial base driven by its highly efficient workforce, and leading expertise in areas such as information technology, agriculture, electronics, and environment protection are constantly at the forefront of innovation. This creates the need for knowledge experts to congregate in Taiwan to learn and engage, thus offering opportunities for conventions, business meetings and events. Such engagements not only contribute to tourism receipts but more importantly help establish your core industries in their world leading position.

Taiwan’s culture of innovation have also extended into its service and tourism sectors. Taiwan is one of the leading destinations in creating unique experiences for visitors to immerse themselves into the local rich culture, showcasing its diversity in all areas, and seamlessly fusing history and modernity . I thought you have done well in mobilizing the various communities throughout Taiwan in sharing their passion. Thus, giving everyone an opportunity to experience what I feel is your most valuable asset, the warmth of your people. The DIY experience, from picking up new culinary skills, to understanding how your minority tribes live as one with their land, to learning about the secrets of your famous bubble tea were key highlights of this trip.
臺灣的創新文化也延伸到服務和旅遊領域,臺灣是創造獨特體驗的主要目的地之一,讓遊客沉浸於當地豐富的文化中藝術氣息,展示所有領域的多樣性,結合歷史和現代文化。我認為台灣在動員各個社區分享他們的熱情方面做得相當成功。此外,讓所有人能有機會體驗我所感受的是臺灣最寶貴的資產-「臺灣人的溫暖」。 自己動手做的體驗,從學習新的烹飪技巧,到體驗臺灣的少數民族部落如何在這塊土地生活,以及了解臺灣最著名珍珠奶茶秘密都是這次旅行的關鍵亮點。

In visiting these diverse communities, I also got to experience the convenience of your transport networks which can be ranked on of the best in Asia.


2. How to overcome the quality and other issues if Taiwan wants to tap the high value market? Any suggestions if Taiwan wants to enhance business relations to enhance its MICE offerings with the world?

The physical product and service quality in organizing successful MICE events are all there. I feel that “high value market” appreciates authenticity and unique experiences, and they are curious to learn more about Taiwan. Hence, to successfully connect the warmth of the people to a broader world market, I feel you need to encourage your young people who are language experts join the meetings and travel and tourism industry. Or, engage foreign experts who are well acquainted with your local culture and language to help share and communicate the experience. I thought the FAM tour guide Cheryl was excellent, she was able to do it with a passion that is uniquely Taiwanese.
我認為臺灣擁有辦理成功會展活動的實質產品與服務品質的條件。我認為“高端價值的市場”重視原創性及獨特經驗,他們亟欲了解更多關於臺灣的事物。因此,如何成功地將臺灣人的熱情連結到更廣闊的全球市場,我認為你需要鼓勵語言能力好的年輕人參予會議和旅遊行業,或者邀請熟悉本地文化和語言的外國專家幫助分享和交流臺灣的經驗。我認為這次FAM tour的導遊Cheryl很優秀,她的熱情嚮導是臺灣特有的。

Successful international association meetings rely on close collaboration between the various specialists and business communities. Taiwanese have established themselves in many societies around the world, especially in areas where you are have a strong economic and industrial base. Many are making significant contributions to their host country. I feel that if any society is able to harness the strength of its diaspora, they will be able to make the world their marketplace. Hence, supporting your diaspora participation in their host country associations or business federations is a valuable long-term strategy.


3. How can Taiwan collaborate with TTG ?

TTG has an established history of helping to connect the travel and tourism and meetings industries, be it locally, regionally or globally. We are mindful of the trust the industry has placed on us, and the responsibility it carries. Because of the fast changing, competitive and volatile business environment, TTG continuously invest in engaging stakeholders across the broader industry to better understand how we can best work together to meet their needs, overcome challenges, and foster positive growth.

Our publications, conferences, education forums and roundtable serves to educate, support industry best practices and advocacy, and communicate industry benchmarks. Our exhibitions and roadshows offers the industry an opportunity to achieve both their brand building and activation goals. Our awards, be it the TTG Travel Awards or CTW Awards, recognizes and celebrate the best amongst us. Bringing it all together allows TTG to better serve the market and helps our clients achieve a unified marketing communication and engagement strategy.
我們的出版刊物,會議,教育論壇和圓桌會議均在提供教育,支持產業最佳典範和倡導以及傳達產業的標竿。我們辦理的展覽和巡迴廣宣活動提供產業建立品牌和達成目標的機會。我們領獎的獎項,無論是TTG Travel Awards或CTW Awards,均在表揚會展領域的績優業者,以上業務讓TTG提供更好的會議旅遊市場服務,並幫助我們的客戶實現一致性的行銷溝通方式和經營策略。