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墨爾本國家會議局(MCB) Karen Bolinger執行長

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本會趁赴澳洲墨爾本參加2017AIME獎勵旅遊展的機會,專訪此次主辦AIME展的墨爾本國家會議局(MCB)執行長 Karen Bolinger CEO談到AIME展今年的情況及未來走向,內容甚具參考價值,爰本會徵得Karen Bolinger同意,將採訪內容與大家分享。


【Q】 MCB has been doing a wonderful progress in MICE promotion. In a nutshell, what policy and strategy you have adopted in making it so much successful? 墨爾本會議局(MCB)在會議產業的推廣方面極為顯著的績效與成長。簡言之,你採取了什麼樣的政策與策略始能如此?

【A】Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) positions Melbourne on the world stage as the first-choice business events destination, taking a ‘Team Melbourne’ approach and working with partners city- wide. By securing significant international conferences, MCB showcases Melbourne as Australia’s intellectual capital, assisting local businesses to create valuable business networks. These generate trade and investment, and research collaborations, which foster innovation, ideas and research for decades to come.

墨爾本會議局將墨爾本定位為全球首選之商業活動目的地, 採用“墨爾本團隊”作法,並與全球各地城市夥伴合作。通過舉辦重要的國際會議,會議局展示出墨爾本是澳洲的智首善城市,來協助當地企業創造有價值的商業網,這同時能夠帶來貿易、投資以及合作研究,如此進而帶動未來幾十年墨爾本的創新思維和研發。

Melbourne is recognised as an innovator and pioneer in the fields of medicine, science, technology, engineering and education. We leverage this concentrated pool of knowledge to assist us in securing international association events.


【Q】Would you please share with us what this year's AIME going on? And what direction or reform will be in the coming years? 可否請你告訴我們今年AIME展辦理經過與成果?未來幾年會有什麼樣的改變?

【A】AIME is the largest international event of its kind in Asia Pacific, trusted with providing the stage on which businesses can connect, perform and prosper. Each year the exhibition unites a community of over 4,000 suppliers and meetings and events planners in our leading conference city of Melbourne. The Hosted Buyer Program is the catalyst for over 9,000 face-to-face meetings.


【New to AIME this year (in 2017) -Uncover Melbourne Program】

2017 AIME展新推出之作法 -「揭開墨爾本計畫」

* Uncover Melbourne was designed to showcase Melbourne’s world-class business events capability.

「揭開墨爾本計畫」旨在2017AIME 展示墨爾本世界級的商業活動能力。

* Launched Konduko, a free new, innovative smart technology that allows exhibitors and visitors to exchange a virtual business card. Each party is sent the others details so they can connect, contact & carry out business. Exhibitors can upload content to a reader so that visitors are sent product information when they tap their badge. At the end of the event, visitors are sent an email with the information they've asked for.

推出Konduko App: Konduko為一嶄新的科技,提供參展商與買主交換彼此虛擬的商業資訊卡,當事人只要把名牌輕輕的觸碰到Konduko,便能交換與取得雙方所需的資訊,來執行交易,參展商、買主將將在展期最後會收到所要求的資訊。

* Launched the inaugural Rising Star Award - The launch of our Rising Star Award, was to recognise a young professional within the industry who has shown talent and passion in their career. The introduction of the Rising Star award is to acknowledge industry growth and celebrate the next generation shaping the MICE industry across the Asia-Pacific region.

推出「明日之星」獎項(Rising Star Award ),主要是頒給在會展業表現優異的年輕會展業者。而Rising Star Award的頒發主要在彰顯產業的成長,激發下一代對於MICE產業的熱情。

* Launch of Mark McCrindle Knowledge Session – The Future of Business Meetings Industry Presentation.

今年新增一項Mark McCrindle新知講座:介紹商業會議產業之未來,探討之議題包含:

* To commemorate the past 25 years we wanted to look forward 25 years.

* In-depth look at the future of the industry With many people choosing to meet online and a wealth of information now available at our fingertips (online), what role do conferences and meetings play in the next 25 years.

* Report looks at the attendees of the future, what their expectations are, what can business events offer that cannot be found elsewhere.

* New trends – such as conference structure, role of technology, generational influences, impact of generation Z coming through

* 緬懷過往的25年,我們期許未來的25年

* 深入探討在當前這許多人選擇網路會議及上網獲取大量資訊之情況下,我們會議產業在未來25年能扮演什麼角色。

* 探討參展者未來他們的期待是什麼? 我們的展覽商業活動能夠給提供他們什麼在其他地方得不到的訊息。

* 新的趨勢-例如會議新模式、科技上的角色及新世代上的影響,以及未來Z世代上的衝擊。

【Future of AIME】 AIME的未來展望

With the AIME tender currently in play it’s an exciting opportunity to reinvigorate the show and look at how we can do things differently and better. The past and future will always ultimately be about the hosted buyer and exhibitor experience, and ensuring it’s a win-win for both.

由於AIME展的辦展單位英國的Reed Travel Exhibitions 公司之合約已於今年屆期(據悉未來籌辦展覽公司將會更換),新標案招標正如火如荼進行著,這是一個令人興奮的重新改變,怎麼樣才能把AIME辦得更好更不一樣。AIME的形式在過去以及未來都會影響到參展商及買主的感受體驗,怎樣才能創造買主與參展商的雙贏,這是我們要去探討的。

【Q】Would you like to provide some suggestions or recommendations for Taiwan regarding how to enhance two way business relations on MICE industry between Taiwan and Melbourne?


【A】Melbourne Convention Bureau is part of the Best Cities Global Alliance, which sees 12 convention bureaus coming together to offer meeting solutions and best practice. We find this is a useful collaboration for us to share industry insight and trends with other leading bureaus.

We also share informally with other destinations non competitive information to collaborate on business opportunities.

墨爾本會議局是”Best Cities Global Alliance” 城市聯盟中的一員,該聯盟共有12個會議局加入,提供解決方案以及最佳典範,我們認為這是一項良好的合作模式,可提供讓台灣與墨爾本會議局及其他主要會議局分享該領域的觀察與是新趨勢。 當然我們亦可與其他目的地城市非正式的分享非競爭性的信息,以便發掘合作商機。