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黃金海岸旅遊局總裁 Mr. Martin Winter

點擊數: 3167

這次很榮幸訪問到於9月6日應邀出席高雄港灣城市論壇擔任會展講者的黃金海岸旅遊局總裁 Mr. Martin Winter。馬丁在觀光產業服務逾40年,無論是在歐洲、南美洲或澳洲服務,他皆居此一產業資深的意見領袖。過去八年間,馬丁在澳洲最大的非官方觀光景點行銷公司--黃金海岸旅遊局(Gold Coast Tourism Corporation,簡稱GCT)擔任總裁。數年前亦曾在國際會議協會(ICCA)亞太分會擔任主席一職。

 本次專訪承蒙承辦此次論壇的本會理事台灣經濟研究院周霞麗處長同意進行專訪,謹此一併致謝。以下為 Martin Winter 的訪談紀要:

Q:Firstly, would you please say more things about your presentation?

A:The message that I was trying to convey on today presentation was that, we do things in the past we shouldn’t change in the future, it’s very important to keep up in the end, particularly the trend with the consumer and its very important to look inside yourself to ensure that you match the expectation on today’s delegate with the message that you’re giving them. Because if these don’t match the chances are people will leave unhappy, you need to be very sure of what is you telling people are going to get the promise, and then you need to deliver the promise. If you don’t deliver the promise, you attend to fail.
A:今天的演講我想傳遞的訊息是,舉辦MICE活動我們對滿足旅遊者的承諾,不宜做改變。 重要的是,要特別留意旅遊者的想法及未來走向,而隨時調整作法, 來滿足他們的期待,倘若無法符合他們的期待勢必導致離開後的不愉悅。因此,宜確信讓來參加的旅遊者都能獲得承諾並且確執行你的承諾。倘若無法執行承諾,你的活動注定是失敗的。


Q:The business environment is a bit slow and as far as MICE industry is concerned, what is your perspective in this industry?

A:The global MICE industry is expanding, but is not expanding equally across the world, there are many more conferences happened in Asia, but many of these are limited to single countries, the number of international conferences are available compared to the increasing number of competitive destinations, makes it difficult for any destination to maintain market share and it’s all about growing market share, because conferences repeat every year, every 2 years or every 4 years, they also growing number, but the rate that destination is growing in such you cannot expect the conferences will automatically come to your destination. More importantly, today destinations are involved in incentive, submission of money from government. To attract conferences, more are offering excellent facilities, there are more and more new airports opening every day, so that access are easier, and the rise of digital age is much easier for any destination to market themselves them ever has it before.


Q:Would you like to tell us more about Gold Coast’s extinctive slogan *fun place*?
Q:可以告訴我更多關於黃金海岸如何成功定位為Fun Place?

A:I’m talking this in the past 10 years, like people still go to Eiffel Tower when they go to France, they still want to go to the Empire state building when they go to New York, and they still want to go to the Taipei 101 Tower when they go to Taipei, but the memories they take home with them are not the photograph, it’s the people they meet, it’s the person in the restaurant that’s comes out explains how they made the meal for them, it’s the person who is weaving in front of their eyes the clothes they buy, and it’s the person who makes the wine and explain how they do it, which is really important, for my perspective we will continue to show those iconic images, but what we are trying to do is weaving to that experience people can connect with, we are going to tell people before they come they can easily interact with these characters, and these are not models. It’s not all about movie stars it’s about the surf life safer, it’s about the stockman who run about cattle’s, it’s about the farmer who show people how to shade the sheep and give you a piece wool that you cut, that’s important things, these are the experiences that make a destination really important, and we believe it’s the only way.


Q:What are the most important things in the meeting industries, either Associate meeting or corporate, to bear in mind?
Q:哪些事情是對Associate meeting or corporate meeting 而言是重要的值得留意?

A:The most important in the meeting industry must convince people that your destination is the safe destination, because more now than ever, delegate will not go to a destination they believe to be unsafe so that’s the first thing, and then secondly, increasingly by the overall price for the delegate is very important, because we have inflated cost of transport, and accommodation, you need to have support from local association going to make sure it works, you need to have commitment from industries to be able to put on a great event, you need to have professional people well-trained to convince the corporate or the conference organizers they won’t have problems, so is a ‘no problem scenario’, then they want to sell to delegate something’s special, something extra that will increase the delegate numbers, because the end of the day, all conferences rely on the number for their income.